For the past 4+ years, I have been designing and implementing complex content management systems for renowned businesses and organizations in Poland.
I have solid Django and Flask expertise, CI/CD knowledge, and a basic understanding of front-end development, backed by a B.Sc. degree and 15+ years of working in Debian and RHEL-like Linux environments.
In my spare time, I am exploring various open source projects and contributing via online discussion, documentation updates, and bug fixes.
Automatic door controller
Modular board based on Raspberry Pi Pico. Running on CircuitPython, with day and night schedules, advanced logging and user-friendly menus.
Solar inverter datalogger
Mobile web app with live stats and complex charts. Data aggregation and basic automation on the backend. Powered by Django, React, MQTT.
Character LCD designer
Custom glyphs designer for HD44780 displays of any size. Live preview and sharing/saving via URL. Using React and HTML5 Canvas.
Keyboard layout reducer
Compact keyboard designer with checking for missing keys. Supports multiple layers, off-grid placement. Based on Pyodide and React.
Making framebuf text 10x faster in CircuitPython
Finding a cause of slow text rendering and optimizing it for monochrome LCD and OLED displays.
Tracking libadwaita adoption in Fedora (updated)
The complete list of software preinstalled in Fedora, including apps using the libadwaita library.
Creating ST7565 driver for CircuitPython
Analyzing original framebuf driver and implementing modern version for displayio compositor.
Adjusting focus of Gemius QCam 6000
A simple trick to fix blurry camera and improve Slack and Teams calls and local video recording.
Manufacturing PCBs at home
Tips on setting board parameters in KiCad, milling and drilling PCBs, and things that you should avoid.